Health protocols draft for COVID-19 for yachting released from Greek Ministry of Tourism
A draft regarding the health protocols for COVID-19 for yachting in Greece, has been published from the Ministry of Tourism. In detail, according to the new rules, it is provided:
Determining the maximum number of passengers
For motor boats of open type with a total length of up to ten (10) meters, the maximum number of passengers allowed is equal to 50% of the maximum allowed number set by its license.
For motorized boats with a total length of up to ten (10) meters, the maximum number of passengers allowed is equal to 30% of the maximum number specified in its license.
For motor boats with a total length of more than ten (10) meters, the maximum number of passengers allowed is equal to 70% of the maximum number specified in its license.
Sailing yachts will not be subject to any restrictions on the maximum number of passengers.
The above limits are valid until June 15, 2020 where the implementation of the measure and the epidemiological situation will be re-evaluated and possibly revised.
Passenger health condition
Each boat will is obliged to keep a book with the following information: a) the names of the people on board, b) their status (eg crew, passenger, visitor, technician, etc.). c) boarding and disembarking hours from the boat. The book will be available for inspection by port and health authorities in electronic or printed form.
Each boat is allowed to carry the people who boarded the ship at the start of the voyage, and other people are not allowed to board intermediate stations or visit other people.
In addition, each boat will have a book monitoring the health status of the occupants for crew members and passengers. Crew members and passengers should measure their body temperature once a day, which will be recorded in the occupant’s health monitoring book. The book will be available for inspection by the port and health authorities in electronic or printed form.
If one of the occupants develops symptoms of COVID-19 infection (sudden onset of the disease, with at least one of the following symptoms: cough, fever, shortness of breath), then this should be recorded in the health monitoring book of the occupants and should be activated. the plan for the management of a suspected COVID-19 case.
Report of a suspected case
According to the International Health Regulations, the person in charge of the vessel must immediately notify the competent authority at the next port of any danger to public health on board, including any case of a disease suspected of being contagious.
Prior to arrival at the port, a document must be completed for the vessels carrying out international voyages, the Maritime Health Statement, by the captain and / or the doctor if it is on board and sent to the competent authority in accordance with local requirements.
For vessels operating inland, the competent authority must be notified before arrival at the port by completing the Maritime Declaration of Health or by any other means. The captain must inform the competent authority of the port of the number of passengers (crew and passengers) and the presence of an incident on board. The captain should be aware of any allegations of contamination or any other risk to public health on board.
If a person on board (a crew member or passenger) has symptoms compatible with COVID-19 infection (including the sudden onset of at least one of the following: cough, fever or shortness of breath), this should be reported immediately to the competent authority. ways mentioned above.
Immediate notification to the competent health authorities is important to determine if the port has the capacity to transport, isolate, diagnose and care for the suspected COVID-19 case. The vessel may be called upon to sail to another port at close range, if the necessary port capacity is not available, or if it is justified by the medical condition suspected of COVID-19.
It is important that all arrangements are made as soon as possible to minimize the possibility of suspicious incidents on board.
What about suspicious incident management?
Each vessel must develop a written plan for the management of a suspected COVID-19 incident, which will describe the following:
a) the symptoms that characterize a person as a suspected case of COVID-19 infection (sudden onset of the disease, with at least one of the following symptoms: cough, fever, shortness of breath),
b) the communication plan and information of the competent authority in the next port / marina regarding the suspected case,
c) the process of temporary isolation of the individual which is considered a suspected case of COVID-19 until its safe transfer for medical diagnosis (stay in a place with natural ventilation, placement of a surgical mask on the person who presents symptoms, administration of tissues, plastic bag for their disposal and hand sanitizer containing 70% alcohol),
(d) the use of a surgical mask, goggles, footwear, a waterproof apron with long sleeves and gloves by anyone entering the temporary isolation area (the protective equipment used must be discarded in a bag and in no case protected from re-use, and after hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and water),
e) ventilation of the temporary isolation area and cleaning and disinfection of surfaces and objects after removal of the patient with a 0.1% chlorine solution (4 teaspoons of chlorine content 5% per 1 liter of water) or 70% ethyl alcohol with a time 10 minutes (cleaning materials should either be discarded or washed at 90 ° C before reuse),
f) the referral procedure to the competent authority of the port of the suspected COVID-19 incident and all patient contacts starting two days before the onset of symptoms.
For the implementation of the written plan, a competent person must be appointed who will be defined in the written plan and his details will be recorded.
If one of the occupants develops compatible symptoms, the plan should be implemented. The patient should be examined by a physician and a laboratory test performed for SARS-CoV-2.
If it is confirmed in the laboratory that the patient has COVID-19 infection then the patient should be isolated in a facility on land and those who came in close contact with him should be quarantined for 14 days in the boat or other facility on land or at home. if they are Greeks.
All the necessary actions for the further management of the incident will be done according to the competent health authority and the instructions of EODY.
Proper use of personal protective equipment
There should be sufficient amounts of antiseptics, disinfectants, personal protective equipment and cleaning supplies.
There should be written instructions for the proper use of personal protective equipment and the crew of the vessels to be aware of their use.
Information on the means of personal protection for the crew members, depending on their duties on the ship and their proper use are presented in Annex 2.
Recommendations for crew and passengers
Visitors and crews on board
Visits to the boat and any kind of gathering that exceeds the maximum number of people allowed on board should be avoided. If external crews enter the boat, the distance of 1.5 meters must be observed and it is recommended to use a fabric mask both by the members of the external crew and by the occupants during the stay of the members of the external crew on the boat. Also, the ship’s sanitary facilities should not be used by external workshops.
Use of personal protective equipment
When visiting covered land facilities, the use of a fabric mask is recommended.
It is recommended to use gloves when refueling, tying, as well as other procedures that require touching equipment surfaces used by many people and there is no short-term installation for hand washing or a station with antiseptics.
The placement and removal of the gloves will be done according to the instructions for their correct application. It is emphasized that the use of gloves does not replace hand washing, before and after removing the gloves, hand hygiene should be applied with soap and water or antiseptic.
Personal hygiene
Hand sanitizer with soap and water should be applied. If the hands are not visibly soiled, an alternative alcoholic antiseptic solution containing 70% alcohol may be used. It is emphasized that the use of gloves does not replace hand washing, before and after removing the gloves, hand hygiene should be applied with soap and water or antiseptic.
There should be antiseptic stations at the entrance to the boat’s indoor spaces.
Proper respiratory hygiene should be followed, that is, covering the mouth and nose with a tissue during the murmur and coughing and then throwing it in a plastic bag and applying antiseptic to the hands. For this purpose, care must be taken for the corresponding equipment (tissues or paper towels, disposable gloves, plastic bag, etc.).
Touching the face, nose and eyes should be avoided.
Social distance
When visiting indoor and outdoor outdoor areas on land, it is recommended that the social distance of 1.5 meters between individuals and the use of the fabric mask be maintained.
In charter boats, staff indoors should wear a mask and keep a distance of 1.5 meters.
Crew and passenger training
The crew must be informed and trained according to their duties as follows: in the plan for the management of a suspected COVID-19 incident, in the use of personal protective equipment, in the application of personal hygiene and social distance, as well as in the other special regulations of ports of destination for the prevention of COVID-19 infection.
In particular, the information and training concerns:
- The fact that they should not travel if they have come in contact with a COVID-19 patient in the last 14 days before the trip.
- Hand washing techniques (frequent hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, the use of gloves does not replace hand hygiene).
- After which activities should the hands be washed e.g. hands should be washed after every contact with another person or his respiratory secretions (saliva, droplets), with objects touched by other people such as handrails, handles, etc., before placing the mask, before and after removing the mask, before and after removing the gloves, after using the toilet, before eating, before touching the face, etc.
- In which cases is it recommended to use antiseptics instead of hand washing (eg if the hands are not visibly soiled, an alternative alcoholic solution may be used).
- In the meticulous observance of hygiene measures, and in particular: avoid contact of the hands with the mouth, nose or eyes.
- Avoid contact with patients who have respiratory symptoms.
- Proper waste management.
- Proper use of personal protective equipment (mask and gloves).
- The crew and passengers should be trained to report the relevant symptoms of COVID-19 infection to the captain immediately.
Ventilation and air conditioning
It is recommended to ventilate the premises as much as possible. It is recommended that the leased vessels be cleaned three hours before cleaning them before the new tenants enter.
Cleaning and disinfection of spaces
Instructions for the cleaning and disinfection of the premises are given in the circular of the Ministry of Health, on the subject: “Application of cleaning and disinfection measures in floating means in case of transport of suspected or confirmed Covid-19 case”.
EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS European Action Directives are provided for vessels on international voyages.
Avoid live transactions
It is recommended that online transactions, orders, purchases of services and goods, equipment, and telephone communication be preferred as much as possible.